United Way of Kitsap County

Workplace Campaigns

Workplace Campaigns

LEAD A WORKPLACE CAMPAIGN - We can partner with you in hosting a workplace campaign - just email Sherita  sjones@unitedwaykitsap.org to chat about options that may work best for you & your team!

While many companies now practice some form of social responsibility, many are making it a core of their operations. Strong companies start with happy and loyal employees, and making charitable giving easy is key.

Here at United Way of Kitsap County, we help run more than 80 workforce campaigns in businesses and organizations in our county. Over the years, millions have been raised from generous employees. Giving a little each month through payroll deduction adds up to big benefits for our local community.

But workforce campaigns are more than just collecting funds, they are about bringing people together around our community’s most pressing issues, and providing a path for honoring our individual and collective philanthropic goals. What a great benefit to offer your team. Workforce campaigns also double as great team-building and leadership development opportunities too.

We have materials to help share our work with your employees, and we would love to partner with you in creating a charitable giving experience that is right for you and your team.

Thank you to those who lead giving programs at your company or organization! We can also help you set up a volunteer program as well, be sure to ask about VolunteerKitsap.

If you have questions or are interested in starting a charitable giving and or volunteer program at your workplace,
Contact Sherita Jones, at 360-377-8505 x112.
