Board Of Directors

Daryl Daugs
Past Chair
Daryl Daugs is the Chief of Staff for the Kitsap County Auditor. He holds a degree in Organizational Management with advanced studies in Organizational Dynamics. Daryl spent the first ten (10) years of his career in the business world prior to moving into public service. He has held executive level leadership positions in not-for-profit and governmental agencies over the last twenty (20) years.
Daryl and his wife, Leslie, have three grown children and two grandchildren. They have also been foster parents to 54 children. Leslie serves on the Bremerton City Council and is a Student Advocate for the Renaissance Alternative High School.

Alma Sisk
Alma is the Director of Business Development for Blue Architecture in Bremerton. She Graduated from Oregon State University with a degree in Psychology and holds an MBA from University of Phoenix, is a member of American Marketing Association, Business Member of Washington State Society of Healthcare Engineers and an events committee member.
Alma is an avid runner, hiker & bowler, bowling in two leagues.

Clifford Higashi
Board Member
Cliff spent 26 years with United Airlines, then got in to software sales and tech support. Moved on from there to business banking with US Bank, then Key Bank, and then American Marine Bank. Kitsap Credit Union, then Connection Credit Union and presently works for the Dispute Resolution Center of Kitsap County. Recently retired from being a reserve Police Officer for the City of Port Orchard after 14 years.