Homes For All
Every person should have the opportunity to live in a safe, decent, healthy and affordable home. Homes for All is a partnership of Kitsap County, Cities, Service Organizations and Faith based institutions. To learn more, visit the Homes for All Initiative or email. Ways you can help: Volunteer or Donate
Kitsap Homeless Housing Plan Goals
- Make homelessness rare. Prevent homelessness whenever possible.
- Make homelessness brief. Respond immediately to the crisis of having no home to get people inside.
- Make homelessness one-time. Help people move into appropriate permanent housing and ensure they can maintain their housing.
- Continuously improve our Homeless response system. Improve capacity, coordination, and efficiency.
- Expand community engagement. Develop partnerships with the community.
Why a Cabin/Cottage Village? Simplicity and affordability
- A sense of community
- Safety for residents & neighbors
- Security for residents
- Sanitation & Waste Management
- Connection to transportation and social services
- Access to public transportation
- Self-governance and tenant rules No drugs or alcohol
- Tenant application screening
Village population: homeless families and singles